Random notes from installing Debian 11 with separate accounts for work and private

e · l · n
Mar 24, 2022

After having run Qubes OS 4.1 for a couple of weeks, mainly to enable a way to separate my work and private content, I realized that I could actually solve the same thing with two accounts on a normal Linux operating system, while avoiding some of the annoyances and limitations I experienced with Qubes, as detailed in the linked blog post.

Here I jot down some random notes from when doing this.

See especially the end for info about how to set up a nice integration between the work and private accounts, such that one can e.g. occasionally start the mail client or web browser from the private account from the work one etc.

Caveats when installing Debian 11

Instructions for configuring Debian to my liking

Set up separate work and private accounts

In order to run private commands from the work account and vice versa:

How to fix broken grub

From time to time, I seem to have my grub broken. It could be due to a harddrive failure perhaps.

The procedure to fix this is quite generally useful though :

Then, the efi location seem to easily be lost in BIOS, especially if the BIOS battery is bad. If so: